Wean-to-harvest biosecurity has been developing as a complex problem for many years. The program will look for cost-effective, innovative solutions to a significant biosecurity gap in US swine production.

SHIC, along with FFAR, a non-profit organization established in the 2014 Farm Bill, and Pork Checkoff, partnered to develop the Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program to investigate research priorities in three areas – bioexclusion (keeping disease off the farm), biocontainment (after a break, keeping disease on the farm to lessen risk to neighbors), and transportation biosecurity (live haul, culls, markets, deadstock, and feed haul along with innovative ways to stop pathogens from moving from markets and concentration points back to the farm). The goal of the program is to leverage funds to develop new tools and technologies that can enhance biosecurity in the wean-to-harvest phases of swine production.
1. Why is SHIC involved in wean-to-harvest biosecurity?
2. Why do this?
3. How’s it going to get done?
4. When will I see results?

Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Site Task Force Members

Member Affiliation
Arruda, Andréia
The Ohio State University
Becton, Lisa
National Pork Board
Borgic, Phil
Borgic Farms
Bromfield, Corinne
University of Missouri
Connor, Joe
Carthage Veterinary Service
Daughtry, Doug
Donovan, Tara
The Hanor Company
Dufresne, Luc
Seaboard Foods
Eisenmenger, Mike
Swine Vet Center
Fent, Joe
Forseth, Anna
National Pork Producers Council
Goodell, Christa
Boehringer Ingelheim
Hamernik, Debora
Hershey, Lauren
Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research
Madson, Darin
JBS Live Pork
Mote, Benny
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Niederwerder, Megan
Swine Health Information Center
Pepin, Brent
Pieters, Maria
University of Minnesota
Rotolo, Marisa
Sauder, Art
Livestock Services
Schwartz, Mark
Schwartz Farms
Smith, Matt
TriOak Foods
Snelson, Harry
American Association of Swine Veterinarians
Spronk, Gordon
Sundberg, Paul
Swine Health Information Center
Thornton, Frederick
Zaabel, Pam
National Pork Board
Zubrowicz, Piotr

Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Transport Task Force

Member Affiliation
Baker, Butch
Swine Consultant
Becton, Lisa
National Pork Board
Boykin, Daniel
Cactus Family Farms
Brandt, Steve
Steve’s Livestock Transport
Brockhoff, Egan
Canadian Pork Council
Corzo, Cesar
University of Minnesota
Dykhuis, Joe
Dykhuis Farms
Forseth, Anna
National Pork Producers Council
Geiger, Jer
Hersey, Lauren
Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research
Holtkamp, Derald
Iowa State University
Kramer, Scott
Miknis, Rob
Niederwerder, Megan
Swine Health Information Center
Opperman, Scott
Parks, Lawrence
Parks Livestock
Pittman, Jeremy
Pyburn, Dave
Robbins, Rebecca
Swine Consultant
Rush, Ron
Iowa Select Farms
Snelson, Harry
American Association of Swine Veterinarians
Specht, Terri
Heimerl Farms
Sundberg, Paul
Swine Health Information Center
Torremorell, Montse
University of Minnesota
Wiseman, Barry
Triumph Foods
Yeske, Paul
Swine Vet Center
Zaabel, Pam
National Pork Board


Second Round of SHIC Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Projects Funded

The Swine Health Information Center’s Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program, funded in collaboration with the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and the Pork Checkoff, has selected five additional projects for funding after review of round two proposal submissions.

SHIC Releases Round 2 of Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program RFPs

The Swine Health Information Center seeks a second round of research proposals to investigate cost-effective and innovative technologies, protocols, or ideas to enhance biosecurity during the wean-to-harvest phase of pig production, due April 28, 2023.

SHIC Announces Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program Round One Projects

Ten research projects have been funded as part of the Swine Health Information Center’s Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program in collaboration with the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and the Pork Checkoff.

SHIC Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program Moving Forward

SHIC-funded project detailed how PRRS and PED negative pigs placed on wean-to-harvest sites become infected after placement.

Call for Research Funding Proposals Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program

SHIC,  Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research(FFAR), and Pork Checkoff, joined together to fund a Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program.

SHIC Sets Focus on Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity

This summer, the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) Board of Directors voted to proceed with a collaborative effort to focus on wean-to-harvest biosecurity.